Friday 3 February 2012

Synopsis of "What Goes Around..."

The story is of a bank robbery in which 3 people take part. One of the characters is an employee within the bank and helps the other 2 in stealing the money. But not all goes to plan as the employee betrays the other 2 and gets away with the money. Now the 2 have escaped from prison and are seeking revenge and their money. They kidnap the bank employee in order to find their money and to piece together what happened on the day. The 2 make a startling discovery that it wasn't just the employee that betrayed them but one of their own, but which one ?

1 comment:

  1. Dont worry about a name at this point. I think this is a decent idead can you storyboard it out and make sure you can secure the locations before going to further. Think carefully which scene you will shoot from the start of the film
